Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2011
Room 5, Town Hall
Committee Members: Lauren McMullen (LM), Billie Luker (BL); Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy: none
Absent: Patricia Fillmore (PF), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
7:12pm-Quorum. Meeting called to order Lauren McMullen
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of Minutes: 2/23/11 meeting minutes
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept minutes from 2/23/11 meeting as discussed.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
Accept: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Accepted-Sheila will email completed corrected minutes to committee and staff.
New Business
• 2011 Goals-All
Discussion on goals had, the Committee and department as a whole and then individual goals.
and facility and complete project.
3. Proactive with grant research and monthly updates.
4. Expansion of fields
5. Parks & Recreation educational forums
6. Proactive with leagues (Parks Director and Liaison meet with League Directors)
7. Capital plan for maintenance of Parks & Facilities
8. Pavilion at IRP
9. Recruit and have 7 P&R committee members by 2012.
10. Plans for Recreation Center expansion
11. define goals of FONRPRC
12. Community Garden
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MS;font-size:11pt;color:#000000;">Discussion was had. This is tabled until next meeting.
• Liaison Appointments
This is tabled until next meeting.
• Turf Committee Update
This is tabled until next meeting.
Old Business
• Wine & Food Update
Sheila updated everyone on the progress of the wine & food. Andy Lamby from Golf Promotions will get us a list of auction items and fax over. He will not have more than 7 items. Ticket sales are still slow. Maria has 16-17 restaurants confirmed. Auction items are still struggling.
• Parks Director Updates (MT)
o Athletic Sub Committee meeting
The meeting was about the Middle School Fields. Marty is looking into skinning those fields.
o Athletic Sub Committee meeting
Marty is looking into surveillance cameras for the concession/bathroom area at IRP.
• Recreation Director Updates (LC)
o Town Hall gym
Lynne informed everyone the Town Hall gym makeover has been completed and thanks Marty for a great job.
o New information brochure
Lynne passed a new tri-fold information brochure out to the committee and staff. The brochure gives a generic description of Parks and Recreation and will be distributed through out the town at the Library, Ryer’s Store and Realtor Offices.
o Meeting with Superintendent
Lynne and Lauren met with the Superintendent of Schools, Kathy Willis on 1/11/11 and went over user fees from the schools, competing programs through the schools and access to the schools facilities, etc. Kathy is going to take a look at all of their concerns and get back to them.
• Operations Director Updates (MS)
o Budget update
Maureen informed everyone that the fy2012 deficit $550,000 in cuts and going after health insurance and trying to make everyone switch to the cheapest insurance and there will be labor cuts in need be.
o Dept Head Meeting
Maureen updated everyone that the Special Town Meeting on the Quinn Bill will be on 3/14/11.
Mike Prisco wants to have a Town Charter Change Committee to be established.
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• LUC Updates (RM) Land Utilization Committee joined the meeting at 8:15pm (Bill Reed, Margie Salt, Mike Tyner, other man with glasses)
o LUC Goals
P&R asked LUC what their financial situation was and what their goals are going to be going forward regarding fundraising. LUC responded that the only thing on the immediate horizon is the installation and completion of the Pavilion at IRP. After that they are interested in working toward a community Center.
o Pavilion at IRP
Margie asked Marty if he would like her to postpone the delivery of the Pavilion for a bit . Marty said they are all set.
Bill Reed asked if someone was already lined up to do the cement slab for the pavilion. Marty responded that he is still working on it and receiving quotes.
Mike Tyner asked who is doing the actual installation of the Pavilion and Marty responded that the company is installing it.
o Carol Smith Meditation Garden at IRP
The Eagle Scouts received the OK to proceed. They are clearing along the parameter to the right side of the gazebo along the tree line, 10 feet in. Bill Reed suggests revisiting another look with Leah in Conservation in the spring time.
• FONRPRC, Inc Updates
o Walk of Fame
Sheila also informed everyone that they have received 520 brick orders. We still need $20,000 to make project on time for spring installation. Rita is going to get the Turf Committee involved.
Other Business
• Next Meeting date (SS)
February 2/23/11 in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm
• Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)